The Vitamin Channel
This Is a Page of Daily Inspirational Quotes To Help Keep You Motivated And Powered Up As You Navigate Through Your Bright and Phenomenal Life’s Journey.
Today is a new day in which you continue building the life of your dreams one action at a time.
Consider These Mantras as You Prepare for Your Day
1. I am capable
2. I am worthy
3. I am grateful
4. I love taking care of myself
5. I attract what I need
6. Everyone is my teacher
7. I live my life to its fullest
8. I am healthy
9. I am wealthy
10. I am kind
How To Use This Page:
Stop by daily and take a moment for yourself as you read your special motivational quote. Take time to reflect if the message resonates with you. Feel free to pin, save, or share it with your friends and loved ones or anyone you think needs a little inspiration.
Maintenance & Upkeep
Total health is not confined to what we eat. Our frame of mind governs our thoughts, actions, and ultimately how we live. Therefore it’s important to be inspired on a daily basis.