The Vitamin Channel

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally!!

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally, October Edition!!!  

We’ve all heard it before, eat seasonally!! But why? The answer has multiple facets.

Eating this way, we can become more aware of what is fresh and what is not. The fact is, if we’re eating nectarines in March, chances are they were ripened artificially grown in another region of the world, shipped to your neck of the woods, stored in warehouses, then stored in stores, etc.… Not very appealing. Picking fruits and vegetables that are in season and grown where you reside has many benefits. It connects you to nature and helps you get fresh, naturally grown, and healthy produce. It can also stimulate your local economy.

“So How Do I Know What’s In Season?”

The Vitamin Channel’s got you covered! As a matter of fact, this being October, I am writing about seasonal produce and fruits pertaining to this month. We won’t stop there. This is The Vitamin Channel after all.

We will also briefly describe what makes the vegetable or fruit worth buying and eating.

Having said that, let’s see the goodies this month has for us. Keep this in mind as you read on. First and foremost is your safety.

Please note!!!!

If you will increase your risk of exposure to Covid-19, read this post, gather from it what you like, but stay home and avoid crowds of potentially sick people. Second, I’ve picked 9 nutritionally noteworthy fruits and vegetables to discuss this month; but, there are many more to consider. Third, many fruits and vegetables are in season for several months, so don’t worry if you catch this article at the end of October or November!

9 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables Worth Considering in October.

  1. Apples: The adage just may be true indeed. Eating apples has been attributed to good health in general. Apples are known to improve intestinal function. A 100gm raw unpeeled apple provides about 2.5 grams of fiber. Apples are also a tasty source of phytosterols, important during pre and post menopause.
  2. Broccoli: I look to broccoli as nature’s illness inhibitor. These little florets pack a potent antioxidant punch! Broccoli is rich in antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha and beta carotene. As if all of this weren’t enough, broccoli provides Vitamin C , K, B6, B9, and B2. It is also a good source of  Choline. Broccoli is simply a must!
  3. Collard Greens: A delicious addition to any main meal, collard greens are a superb source of Beta-Carotene, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin. It also helps provide Calcium,  magnesium, Potassium, and Manganese. Try some tonight! After all, nothing says I love you like a home prepared dish with Collard Greens.
  4. Chiles: They are like none other. They are tasty, can wake up any bland dish, and can give you a boost of Vitamin C. It is associated with improved mood and increased metabolism. Chilies are a perfect addition this time of year.
  5. Pumpkins: Rich in Alpha and Beta carotene, and copper.  Pumpkins should be considered a beauty and anti-aging food. Pumpkins are very versatile and can be prepared in a variety of ways. They are enjoyed best when organic and in season.
  6. Spinach: Calcium, Potassium, Iron, oh my!!  High in fiber and low in calories, spinach is perfect for those who are aiming for weight loss. Spinach is also a rich source of the powerful antioxidant called Lutein, which is excellent for preserving vision.
  7. Onions: In addition to spicing up our stews and soups, onions are a good source of folate, which is important for healthy fetal development. Make sure your onions are organic, in season, and purchased locally.
  8. Carrots: Delicious and so portable, carrots  make for the perfect snack. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which acts as a powerful antioxidant. Snack on them and enjoy. However, you would do well to avoid canned carrots. The maximum flavor and nutritional value will always  be in locally grown and organic carrots.
  9. Beets: We all know beets are considered a super-food. They are also low in calories and taste wonderful alone or in salads. Beets also have a calming effect thanks to the amino acid Tryptophan. So, let’s all chill out, eat beets, and feel great!

Thanks for spending your time with me.


Dr. Ela



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