The Vitamin Channel

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally, The April Edition!!!

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally, The April Edition!!!

Eating seasonally, we’ve all heard it before, eat seasonally!! But why? The answer has multiple facets.

Eating this way, we can become more aware of what is fresh and what is not. The fact is, if we’re eating nectarines in February, chances are they were ripened artificially, grown in another region of the world, shipped to your neck of the woods, stored in warehouses, then stored in stores, etc.… Not very appealing. Picking fruits and vegetables that are in season and grown where you reside has many benefits. It connects you to nature and helps you get fresh, naturally grown, and healthy produce. It can also stimulate your local economy.

“So How Do I Know What’s In Season?”

The Vitamin Channel’s got you covered! As a matter of fact, this being April, we will talk about seasonal produce pertaining to this month. We won’t stop there. This is The Vitamin Channel after all.

We will also briefly describe what makes the vegetable or fruit worth buying and eating.

So, without any further delay, let’s see the goodies April has for us. Keep this in mind as you read on. First and foremost is your safety.

If you will increase your risk of exposure to Covid-19, read this post, gather from it what you like, but stay home and avoid crowds of potentially sick people. Second, I’ve picked 10 nutritionally noteworthy fruits and vegetables to discuss this month; there may be more to consider. Third, many fruits and vegetables are in season for several months, so don’t worry if you catch this article at the end of March.

10 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables to Consider Buying in April.

  1. Artichoke – Aside from being a favorite ingredient allowing for tasty and elegant appetizers, Artichokes are special due to their inulin content, 20grams/3.5 oz, in fact! Inulin is a carbohydrate that humans cannot digest. Therefore, it can serve to keep us feeling full longer without any calories. Inulin has also been shown to have positive effects on gut immunity, a huge benefit given recent times!
  2. Beets – According to a study published in the Oxford Journal of Nutrition, diets that incorporated beets, specifically the fiber from beets, were shown to promote healthier good to bad cholesterol ratios. Aside from its beneficial fiber content, beets are rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Iron. Several studies suggest beets can be beneficial in preventing hypertension and Alzheimer’s Dementia. Beets have an overall detoxification effect in the body and help boost the immune system.
  3. Broccoli – This filling high fiber vegetable is full of vitamins C & E which translates into healthier and brighter skin cells.  Each time you fill up on this low-calorie vegetable, you will also treat your skin to a beautifying boost.
  4. Cauliflower – Apart from being a great swap for rice, pasta, and even pizza crust, cauliflower is known to produce a thermic effect. In other words, you’ll burn calories digesting and assimilating the cauliflower you eat. Cauliflower is one of the few white colored foods that will not induce a carbohydrate overload. How many other white colored foods can do that? Also, like all other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower has anti-cancer properties.
  5. Fava Beans – A staple in many a Mediterranean pantry, fava beans are excellent this time of year. Fava beans are a fantastic source of vegan protein and are low in fat and high in fiber. They are loaded with Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Phosphorus. They are a great source of B – complex vitamins, which translates into unstoppable muscle and brain power for your body.
  6. Oranges – Sweet yet tart! Juicy and fresh. This month is one of the best months to enjoy oranges. Due to the various antioxidants, Vitamins B6 and B9 serve to protect healthy muscle and nerve function, healthy blood cell formation, and energy production. Pro-tip: eat the entire orange instead of just drinking orange juice. The fiber in Oranges is excellent for blood sugar stabilization.
  7. Radishes – A beautiful addition to any salad, radishes are great for promoting healthy gut and intestinal health. Radishes have shown some promise in alleviating symptoms of sinusitis and depending on the soil in which radishes are grown, they can supply essential minerals for our musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Minerals contained in radishes include Iron, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, and Manganese. It can help support metabolic function needed to turn food into usable energy in the body due to its vitamin B6 and B9 content.
  8. Rhubarb – This seasonal beauty has been linked with a healthier digestive system, stronger bones, healthier cardiovascular function, and may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia. To this impressive list, I will also add, Rhubarb can be a go-to-food if one is trying to reduce weight. One cup has 26 calories and 2 grams of fiber, with essentially not fat. April is the time to enjoy this red Beauty. Rhubarb pie anyone?
  9. Scallions – Rich in Vitamin C, K, and Folic Acid. They are a part of a family of vegetables that contain allicin which has been shown to inhibit abnormal cell growth and division leading to cancer.  This family of vegetables also has anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties.  Knowing this and given our current pandemic, adding this vegetable to your diet may not be a bad idea. The folic acid in scallions is essential for healthy growth and development in children. Folate also supports cognitive function and protects cells from free-radical damage.
  10. Shallots – Whenever I hear a recipe that calls for shallots, I know I’m about to prepare something special! Using shallots can give many recepies a gourmet touch.  Apart from making dishes taste divine, shallots also provide a nice source of Vitamins A, B3, B6, and C. Shallots are also rich in manganese and potassium, making them especially beneficial to our nervous and hematologic systems.  Let’s all cook with shallots this month!!

Thanks for spending your time with me.


Dr. Ela



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