The Vitamin Channel

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally!!

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally, The September Edition!!!  

We’ve all heard it before, eat seasonally!! But why? The answer has multiple facets.

Eating this way, we can become more aware of what is fresh and what is not. The fact is, if we’re eating nectarines in March, chances are they were ripened artificially, grown in another region of the world, shipped to your neck of the woods, stored in warehouses, then stored in stores, etc.… Not very appealing. Picking fruits and vegetables that are in season and grown where you reside has many benefits. It connects you to nature and helps you get fresh, naturally grown, and healthy produce. It can also stimulate your local economy.

“So How Do I Know What’s In Season?”

The Vitamin Channel’s got you covered! As a matter of fact, this being September, we will talk about seasonal produce pertaining to this month. We won’t stop there. This is The Vitamin Channel after all.

We will also briefly describe what makes the vegetable or fruit worth buying and eating.

Having said that, let’s see the goodies this month has for us. Keep this in mind as you read on. First and foremost is your safety.

Please note!!!!

If you will increase your risk of exposure to Covid-19, read this post, gather from it what you like, but stay home and avoid crowds of potentially sick people. Second, I’ve picked 8 nutritionally noteworthy fruits and vegetables to discuss this month; but, there are many more to consider. Third, many fruits and vegetables are in season for several months, so don’t worry if you catch this article at the end of September or October!

8 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables to Consider Buying in September.

  1. Apples: A commonly talked about fruit, to be sure. There is a good reason for this though. Apples are the perfect fast food, and won’t get squished or smashed unintentionally. They travel well, and lucky for us, they are in season!! Apples are full of pectin, a type of no calorie fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar and regulates digestion. Eating apples will also keep your teeth white and help prevent plaque buildup on teeth. Try a new variety this month.
  2. Cantaloupe: These melons are full of water which is good news for your skin! It is full of essential, disease preventing antioxidants like beat-carotene. Cantaloupes are also a good source of Vitamin C which helps the immune system fight infections. Don’t forget to check out the daily posts on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook for  yummy and easy to blend smoothies recepies!
  3. Cauliflower: Low carb and perfect for those with diabetes.  Cauliflower can be prepared to resemble rice or used in Pizza crusts. It is satisfying and low in calories. It is a must on this months’ grocery list!
  4. Chiles: Green chiles are the darling of any farmers market in September. They are perfect roasted and in salsas and can be breaded, fried, or air fried. Eating chilies have been associated with improved mood, increased blood flow to the skin, and even with weight loss. They are full of Vitamin C, various essential minerals and B Vitamins. They can fight inflammation in the body and help stimulate digestive enzymes resulting in fantastic digestion. We think September is the perfect month to discover ways to use chiles in your cooking.
  5. Eggplant: Eggplants come in many varieties and are extremely versatile and easy to adapt to many dishes. According to various studies, eggplants contain polyphenols that have shown enhanced blood sugar regulation and weight loss potential. What’s more, eggplants are rich in B vitamins, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Calcium. Due to their fiber content, they help regulate digestion. That beautiful purple color shows us it is rich in anthocyanin, a potent antioxidant that reduces systemic inflammatory conditions and helps reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL).
    This is the type of cholesterol to keep low in order to prevent heart disease. There are so many benefits associated with this impressive vegetable. Try them out this month and let us know your favorite way to prepare them!
  6. Grapes: Grapes have been linked to a variety of benefits from better cardiovascular health, to increased energy and immunity. All this praise is for good reason. Many studies have looked at grapes, grape juice, and wine, and what effects they have on our cardiovascular health. Studies show that eating grapes have a neuroprotective effect, warding odd dementia. What’s more, grapes are excellent for skin health because they contain Vitamins C and A.  Other studies have highlighted their cardiovascular benefits. Enjoy this mythical beautiful fruit this month!!
  7. Escarole: Escarole is one of those salad greens that can truly intensify your salad flavor. For some, escarole may taste too bitter. If this bothers you, a quick toss in the pan reduces that bitter taste. Escarole is low in calories, has a good amount of water which is a plus for keeping hydrated. Escarole is also very high in Potassium and Calcium and a good source of Vitamins A, C, and K. Try this veggie in your salad this month.
  8. Pears: Last on our list is the beautiful pear! Lucky for us September is the perfect time to enjoy them. They are rich in fiber and contain not only the expected fruit sugar, fructose, but also contain Sorbitol, another type of sugar that can stimulate bowel movements. Together with their fiber content, pears are terrific for alleviating constipation. Don’t eat too much at one time, as this may cause loose stools or diarrhea. Like apples, pears contain pectin, a soluble fiber that that can help with weight loss. It goes without saying that due to their fiber content, pears help regulate blood sugar; great for the diabetic members of our community. Of course, pears wouldn’t make it onto this list if they weren’t a great source of vitamins and minerals. I have found amazing recipes out there. It’s time to put our chef hats on and whip up our very own pear inspired masterpiece this month.

Thanks for spending your time with me.


Dr. Ela



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