The Vitamin Channel

Weight Loss, A to Z Tips to Aid Your Powerful Journey

Weight Loss, a Powerful List:

A.  Almonds – Rich in protein, essential fatty acids, Magnesium, and Zinc. Eat 10 to 12 of these beauties to increase satiety, control appetite, and lower your LDL, which is also known as “the bad cholesterol”.

B. Broccoli – Controls appetite and increases satiety due to its high fiber content. It helps weight loss due to a low glycemic index.

C. Cinnamon – Did you know that you can use this aromatic spice in food and, especially, in tea? One amazing characteristic is that it regulates blood sugar, stabilizes appetite and sugar cravings.

D. Daily walks – Keep a step counting app on your phone and aim for 10,000 steps every day.

E. Eat until you are 80% full.  This tip comes from Japan where they call it Hara hachi bun me. It is a long-held belief that following this Confucian teaching can help prevent obesity and potentially extend life span.

F. Fried foods – Limit them. This simple change can save hundreds of calories. If you still choose food frying, invest in an air fryer.

G. Grapefruit – Juicy, full of Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamins B1 and B3, lycopene, Carotinoids, Biotin, Magnesium, Selenium, and Limonids. Whoa !! Needless to say, this fruit is excellent for your health because it supplies vitamins your body needs and helps your metabolism during weight loss.

H. Honeydew melons – Not only is this fruit full of water but it is also sweet.  Such attributes will keep you hydrated and may even satisfy your cravings for sweets. It can help your immune system, boost skin health, and regulate metabolism thanks to Vitamins A, C, B6, and Biotin.

I. Iceberg lettuce – Full of water and fiber. At only 8 calories per cup, it will become your secret weapon against weight gain! Added bonus: Lettuce provides antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta carotene and if they weren’t enough, add that it is a decent source of Calcium and Vitamin K.

J. Jack fruit – This fruit conjures up memories of beaches in Grenada, West Indies. Jackfruit is abundant and highly utilized in tropical countries for its clean protein content. It’s low in calories at 150 calories per cup and is high in minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, and Manganese. Swap it for dishes that call for meat.

K. Kale, of course! This is one of those superfoods that keeps you full due to its high fiber. Kale is a natural rich source of Vitamins A, C, K, and E.

L. Lentils – This legume has great weight loss benefits due to its protein content, 1.8 grams/cup, and fiber, 16grams/cup. In my opinion this is a superfood.

Here are just some of the vitamins and minerals it contains: Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamins B1,  B2,  B3,  B6, and B9. What more can we ask for? All of this at only 220 calories a cup!

M. Mushrooms – At 18 calories per cup, this veggie can act to bulk up your meals and make you feel satisfied and full. In addition, mushrooms are a vegan source of Vitamin D.

What really makes this low-calorie vegetable unique, is its ability to synthesize an amino acid molecule called ergothioneine which has been shown to have antioxidant properties.

Further, it’s been associated with improved heart health and has been used adjunctly to treat diabetes and is also used in skin care for its potential to prevent wrinkles.

Moreover, a particular type of mushroom called Reishi has been studied for its anti-cancer benefits. This delicious vegetable is a great ally in your health journey.

N. NO snacking between meals. This is an obvious tip but you need motivation. Remember, you already know how cookies, chips, donuts, and cake taste like. Just bypass when offered a snack that will not get you to your goal.

O. Oatmeal – A great option for breakfast. This choice aids in weight loss due to its Beta-glucan fiber content. Upon eating a bowl , oatmeal works to balance blood sugar, gives a feeling of fullness, and has also been touted for lowering cholesterol.

P. Pumpkin – Yet another super low-calorie (30 cal/cup) and high fiber (7 grams/cup)  food that we can use to our advantage. It can stabilize blood sugar, making you less hungry and provide needed Magnesium and Zinc. Pumpkins are an excellent source of Alpha and Beta carotene that can slow the aging process of our skin and helps prevent macular degeneration.

Q. Quinoa – In humans it is considered a seed that can be eaten and metabolized. This is a secret South American diet food! Now used more readily in the US and Europe due to its versatility in food preparation. It is rich in minerals and provides 8 grams of protein per cup.

R. Raspberry – These beauties allow us to satisfy our sweet tooth! 1cup has 60 calories and 8 grams of fiber. It is loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin C and Manganese which promote a healthy metabolism.

S. Sleep – Sleep is not only restorative for those post workout muscles, it is also crucial in appetite control, carbohydrate metabolism, and insulin resistance which can lead to weight gain and the inability to shed excess weight. Studies show that even 1-2 nights of sleep deprivation can cause increased cravings for sugary and fatty foods.

To add to the conundrum, it is likely that when sleep deprived, we are less likely to stick to a regular workout routine. To sum it up, there is no way to cheat your need for sleep. Sleep tight my friends.

T. Tomato – Juicy and delicious, it is easy to include in practically every meal.  At 18 calories for every 3.5 oz/100 grams, it’s an obvious choice. Lycopene is the tomatoes’ claim to fame and can help prevent prostate cancer. Tomatoes are also a great source of Vitamins A, C, and B6, benefiting skin’s  structure and your skin’s health. B6 helps with energy levels.

The Potassium, Iron, and Manganese, which tomatoes contain, also help with energy, electrolyte balance, and help prevent iron deficiency anemia.

U. Unsweetened almond milk – If you don’t have an almond allergy, you should have this staple in your refrigerator. This is one of the lowest carbohydrate plant milks out there with the exception of coconut milk. It provides Vitamin E, Potassium, and other minerals your body needs. It is low in saturated fats, has no cholesterol, and contains healthy fats. If you drink the unsweetened kind, 8 oz will only set you back 30 calories! In short, it’s a good drink to have if ever you find yourself hungry between meals.

V. Vegetable broth – A great secret weapon to help you lose weight. 1 cup has just 12 calories. I recommend low sodium and organic.  Have fun, make yourself a super-duper weight loss soup and use the veggies on this list.

W. Water – We’ve always known it! Water can help in your weight loss efforts. It’s been shown that when we drink water before a meal, we tend to eat a little less.

X. Xocolatl – Chocolate in Mayan. (I didn’t promise a list in English alone), so read on my darlings. The chocolate I’m referring to is organic unsweetened cocoa powder. This can be used to create a variety of tasty drinks. Because high quality chocolate contains flavonoids, it can help decrease systemic inflammation and help regulate blood sugar levels.

Y. Yellow squash – This vegetable is another super low-calorie food you can eat and lose weigh, 1 cup of it has 20 calories and is high in Vitamins A, B6, and C. The benefits don’t end there. Its also a good source of Copper, Potassium, and Phosphorus. The beta-carotene in squash will nurture your skin and cardiovascular system while you manja.

Z. Zucchini – A cup of raw sliced zucchini has 20 calories,1.5 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber.1 cup can also provide Vitamins B and C. So, fire up the grill or air fryer, you’ re eating well tonight!!

Last but not least, be kind not only to yourself but also all animals. Your body does so much for you and deserves tender loving care.

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