The Vitamin Channel

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally, The March Edition!!

The Beauty of Eating Seasonally, The March Edition!!!

Eating seasonally, we’ve all heard it before, eat seasonally!! But why? The answer has multiple facets.

Eating this way, we can become more aware of what is fresh and what is not. The fact is, if we’re eating nectarines in February, chances are they were ripened artificially, grown in another region of the world, shipped to your neck of the woods, stored in warehouses, then stored in stores, etc.… Not very appealing. Picking fruits and vegetables that are in season and grown where you reside has many benefits. It connects you to nature and helps you get fresh, naturally grown, and healthy produce. It can also stimulate your local economy.

“So How Do I Know What’s In Season?”

The Vitamin Channel’s got you covered! As a matter of fact, this being the month of March, we will talk about seasonal produce pertaining to this month. We won’t stop there. This is The Vitamin Channel after all.

We will also briefly describe what makes the vegetable or fruit worth buying and eating.

So, without any further delay, let’s see the goodies March has for us. Keep this in mind as you read this. First and foremost is your safety.

If you will increase your risk of exposure to Covid-19, read this post, gather from it what you like, but stay home and avoid crowds of potentially sick people. Second, I’ve picked 10 nutritionally noteworthy fruits and vegetables to discuss this month; there may be more to consider. Third, many fruits and vegetables are in season for several months, so don’t worry if you catch this article at the end of March.

10 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables to Consider Buying in March.

  1. Asparagus – Apart from being a vegetable perfectly suited for elegant meals, it’s low in calories. Each spear has just 3 calories! The pre and probiotics help maintain a healthy microbiome. The folate contained in Asparagus can help with anemia prevention. Vitamins A and C make for excellent antioxidants.
  2. Avocados – Not that you need a reason to enjoy this scrumptious fruit, but in case you were on the fence, consider its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Avocados are mainly comprised of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which is great news for our cholesterol profile. Avocados also contain Vitamins A and C, great for skin, skin structure, and elasticity.
  3. Brussels Sprouts – Like all other cruciferous vegetables, Brussels Sprouts can aide in the prevention of some cancers. These veggies are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, K, and B, in particular folic acid, which is known to protect against birth defects. In addition, the lutein and Beta-Carotene contained in this vegetable is great for maintaining eye health.
  4. Kiwi – Fresh and in season and so sweet! It’s hard to believe this fruit has only 40 calories. It’s got fiber to regulate digestion and is a mega source of Vitamin C. Eating this fruit will result in an immune system boost.
  5. Lemon – In season and locally grown lemons are the best tasting and juiciest in my opinion. A popular way to make use of this fruit is by preparing lemon water; warm or cold, it’s a wonderful gift to give to your digestive tract. Of course, it is a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. An added bonus is a boost in mood because of its beautiful scent.
  6. Lime – Tastes phenomenal and has many uses when in season. Limes are a nice source of Vitamin C.
  7. Mushrooms – So many varieties and ways to prepare this vegetable. Its fiber content is satisfying with little impact on glycemic load. Mushrooms are a vegan source of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. 1 cup also provides 3 grams of protein.
  8. Oranges – So juicy and tasty and they come in many varieties. Just imagine the amazing flavor of an orange from your local farmers market; the taste is unbeatable.
  9. Peas – When consumed seasonally and sourced locally, the taste is amazing! Pea protein is vegan, clean and bioavailable. Peas can sustain you between meals and help energy and metabolism due to their B vitamins and fiber. They are a good source of Vitamin K which may be beneficial in preventing osteoporosis.
  10. Broccoli – Fantastic and in season now. 1 cup of florets has 3 grams of protein. It’s a good source of important minerals and vitamins such as B9, C, and K.  Broccoli is truly a multitasker. Broccoli has long been used successfully for weight loss, its cardiovascular benefits, and bone health. With all of this, it’s worth incorporating  it into your culinary repertoire.

Thanks for spending your time with me.


Dr. Ela



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