Benefits of Selenium, The Kickass Super-Hero of Trace Elements!!!!

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Selenium, What Are They?

A trace element needed by the body and available in foods we consume. It is a potent antioxidant especially when combined with Vitamin E. The plus point of Selenium is that it is naturally occurring, meaning that it appears in water and food. This incredible mineral plays a significant role in our metabolism.

Selenium is in the ‘spot light’ because of its antioxidant properties. As a way of illustration, antioxidants protect cells from damage.  

Among healthy populations in this country, Selenium deficiencies are uncommon; but health conditions, such as HIV, Crohn’s disease, and others,  are associated with low Selenium levels. Folks who are fed intravenously are also at risk for low Selenium. Several medical conditions for which Selenium appears to be beneficial range from asthma to arthritis and from dandruff to infertility. However, the results have been inconclusive.
A popular question asked by folks is how much Selenium should someone take? The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Selenium, whether obtained by diet or/and supplementation should not exceed 400mcg/day in adults. Anything above that level will need to be approved by your treatment team.  

Benefits of Selenium, Top 7

  1. Helps protect the body from heavy metals and facilitates their removal from our bodies.
  2. Supports healthy thyroid gland function and thus is linked to a healthy metabolism.
  3. May help in the protection of liver cells (hepatocytes) in people with  alcoholic liver disease.
  4. Some studies, such as The Selenium and  Vitamin E  Cancer Prevention Trial have shown Selenium can decrease the risk of colorectal and prostate cancer. By acting as an anti-oxidant and as an anti-inflammatory agent Selenium can prevent DNA damage or alteration that can lead to cancer.
  5. Selenium may help with our memory and cognition. This is especially true in the very young and elderly.
  6. Several studies have shown that Selenium keeps viruses such as the Coxsackievirus from mutating into more virulent strains and causing cell and tissue damage in our body. This may apply to other viruses like the Influenza and Ebola virus.
  7. Other areas in which Selenium may be promising include: a) enhanced survival ratres in people with AIDS, b) Male infertility, c) Enlarged prostate gland., d) Arthritis, e) Hypertension, and f) Diabetes Mellitus.

Vegan Sources of Selenium, Top 10

  1. Whole grains.
  2. Brazil nuts.
  3. Garlic.
  4. Wheat germ.
  5. Brown rice.
  6. Broccoli.
  7. Parsley.
  8. Rose hips.
  9. Kelp.
  10. Peppermint.

Special Considerations

Of note, some studies suggest that Selenium may actually increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. Please follow the link to an article explaining this further.

If you eat Brazil nuts and consume foods high in Selenium regularly, you may be well advised to avoid additional supplementation. Like always, more is not always better and more than 400 mg/day should not be consumed.

Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

Continue Reading on to Learn More About Minerals

Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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