Benefits of Manganese, Live Long With Powerful Manganese!!

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Manganese. What Are They?

Manganese is a trace element needed in minute quantities that has  tremendous proven benefits. It’s mainly found in our liver, pancreas, kidney, and bone cells.

This element is a complex one, sparking the interest of many researchers, both for its many positive effects and for its potential toxicity if taken in large amounts.

Benefits of Manganese, Top 8

  1. Beneficial in wound healing by activation of enzymes that lead to collagen formation in the skin.
  2. Essential for our skeletal system. In fact, Manganese is an essential component found in enzymes that are responsible for bone formation. This means better bone density and lower risk of fractures. Studies have shown postmenopausal women with higher manganese levels tended to have  better bone mineral density, while their counterparts with lower blood levels had more incidence of osteoporosis.
  3. Manganese is needed for a healthy  immune system because it is a crucial part of the enzyme called Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (“MnSOD”). MnSOD acts as an antioxidant by counteracting free radicals that can damage cell membranes.
  4. It may have a benefit in Diabetes prevention.
  5. Some animal studies have shown a link  between Manganese deficiency and increased glucose intolerance. Another study  looked at 257 type 2 diabetics and 166 non-diabetics. When measured, lower levels of manganese were found in the diabetic subjects. Other studies have shown lower blood levels of the antioxidant enzyme MnSOD in diabetics than in non-diabetics. This all means that we require adequate Manganese levels to properly regulate our blood glucose levels.
  6. Manganese is involved in the oxidation of fats. It is needed to properly use and metabolize proteins and carbohydrates as well.
  7. Helps other vitamins carry out their functions. Examples include Vitamin E and B vitamins such as Thiamine (“B1”). 
  8. Adequate  Manganese levels may help reduce the risk of epilepsy. Further, studies have shown lower Manganese levels in people suffering from epilepsy or seizure disorder. This link will likely be a topic of further study. We will keep you updated.

Vegan Sources of Manganese, Top 11

  1. Legumes.
  2. Avocados.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Pineapple.
  5. Blueberries.
  6. Whole grains.
  7. Seaweed.
  8. Parsley.
  9. Green leafy vegetables.
  10. Rose hips.
  11. Chamomile.

Special Considerations

It is highly unlikely that anyone who consumes the foods listed above will have a need for additional supplementation. However, if advised by your doctor to start supplementation, you have 3 choices:

Manganese Gluconate, Mangenese Citrate, and Manganese Sulfate. Manganese Gluconate will likely be better tolerated and will cause less upset stomach.

Recommended intake is 2.1-2.3 mg/day for men and 1.6-1.8 mg/day for women. These recommended amounts may vary based on life stages such as  pregnancy and breast feeding. 

Other populations that should be cautious of the potential risk for toxicity are people with liver disease, people with iron deficiency anemia, and people who depend on total parenteral nutrition (“TPN”).

It is in your best interest to assure you get adequate amounts of Manganese. The food sources listed above are your best bet. Along with other healthy life style choices, you can look forward to a happy long life.

Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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