Benefits of Niacin (“B3”), The Powerful Ultimate Health Booster! 

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Niacin, What Are They?

Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the B-complex family of vitamins.

It is also sometimes referred to as nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, or niacinamide. It, like all other B vitamins, has a number of benefits for the body and is essential for over 400 distinct enzymatic reactions, and helps support our cellular functions in a variety of ways.

Below is a list of Niacin’s top benefits!!

Benefits of Niacin, Top 9

  1. Niacin has long been used in pharmacologic doses to reduce serum cholesterol levels. It has shown to reduce the body’s ability to make triglycerides.
  2. It also acts to lower the bad cholesterol in the body, known as low density lipoprotein (LDL) while inhibiting the removal of good cholesterol known as high density lipoprotein (HDL) from our blood serum.
  3. It is a very essential part of converting the potential energy from food to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the body’s expendable energy source and powers all of our activities and gives us the energy we need.
  4. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and protects our cells from oxidative damage. This function is very helpful in reducing atherosclerosis or the buildup of plaque in our vessels.
  5. It can help decrease blood pressure. Because niacin has a vasodilatory effect, it relaxes blood vessels and can have utility in the treatment of various circulatory problems and can help lower blood pressure.
  6. Niacin can help relieve menstrual cramps.
  7. It is needed for healthy nervous system functioning. In fact, deficiency symptoms include memory loss, irritability, depressed mood, and overall weakness.
  8. It has a role in decreasing mouth, throat, and esophageal cancers. A case control study found a diet high in antioxidants and consumption of niacin (6.2 mg) per day was associated with a drop in the above-mentioned cancer cases.
  9. It can benefit skin. Although more studies are needed, some early investigations show a possible benefit with regard to ultraviolet or sun induced skin sensitivity and even skin cancer.

Vegan Sources of  Niacin, Top 20

1. Bulgur 2. Brown and white rice 3. Peanuts
4. Sunflower seeds 5. Pumpkin seeds 6. Cashews
7. Soy milk 8. Tofu 9. Edamame
10.  Lentils 11. Chickpeas 12. Potato
13. Tomatoes 14. Broccoli 15. Spinach
16. Onions 17. Apples 18. Bananas
19. Raisins 20. Whole wheat breads and cereals

Special Considerations

  1. People who have alcohol use disorder, inflammatory bowel disease, liver cirrhosis, and AIDS may be at increased risk for deficiency.
  2. People who take certain drugs like isoniazid, pyrazinamide which are usually used to treat tuberculosis may have less ability to absorb and assimilate Niacin.
  3. Diabetic patients who take large therapeutic doses of vitamin B3 (not from food sources) may be at risk for increased blood glucose levels. Be sure to check with your doctor.
  4. Therapeutic doses can cause adverse side effects such as skin flushing and a tingling sensation after taking large therapeutic doses of niacin (this does not apply to natural food sources). Other side effects include headache, abdominal pain, rash, dizziness, and a decrease in blood pressure. The side effects of pharmacologic doses tend to be the number one cause for stopping this form of lipid lowering therapy.
  5. High doses of niacin, taken over months can also cause liver damage. Your doctor will need to monitor your liver function with regular blood tests.

Continue on to our posts  below and learn about all the vitamins you’ll need to stay healthy and fabulous!!

Benefits of Thiamine (“B1”). Think Better, Digest Better, Move Faster!!!

Benefits of Thiamine (“B1”). Think Better, Digest Better, Move Faster!!!

Benefits of Thiamine or Vitamin B1 include the marvelous effect that it is part of the B-Complex water soluble family of vitamins that is both naturally occurring in foods and found in a variety of “fortified” foods. With that said, note that Thiamine is naturally present in some foods, added to some food products, and available as a dietary supplement. It plays a critical role in the metabolism of energy and, conclusively, in the growth, development, and function of cells.

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