Benefits of Sulfur – The Powerful and Youth Inducing Anti-Aging Miracle Mineral

Benefits of Sulfur – The Powerful and Youth Inducing Anti-Aging Miracle Mineral

Benefits of Sulfur – The Powerful and Youth Inducing Anti-Aging Miracle Mineral 

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Sulfur. What Are They?

Benefits of Sulfur. Ahhh!!… The youth mineral!! This mineral has a hand in many of the body’s biochemical reactions. Did you know that Sulfur benefits our bodies and has been associated with the prevention and improvement of some skin conditions and amyloidosis? 

To add, Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of certain essential amino acids and plays an important role in the body’s synthesis of certain key proteins. Specifically, Sulfur is needed for the synthesis of amino acids that help protect our organism from cellular damage. Of note, this mineral is important for the body’s detoxification at the cellular level. This means Sulfur helps cells absorb necessary nutrients but release toxins and waste.

Adequate amounts of Sulfur intake help relieve muscle pain, stiffness, and muscle soreness.

Also, Sulfur helps maintain patent and flexible arteries and veins thereby decreasing atherosclerosis or “hardening of the arteries”. Remember, a healthy circulatory system can deliver nutrients and oxygenated blood to nourish our bodies. 

Now a fun morsel of information for our female readers. Sulfur has been called nature’s “beauty mineral” because it keeps our complexion clear and youthful while, at the same time, keeping our hair glossy and smooth. Collagen production in our body depends on Sulfur to maintain healthy skin and heal scars. 

Benefits of Sulfur, Top 4

  1. Collagen formation  in skin and maintenance of skin’s tone and elasticity.
  2. Protection against  radiation damage.
  3. Protection against harmful microbes in the circulatory system.
  4. Needed for stable structure of amino acids like cysteine, methaionine, and taurine. These amino acids  in turn have many crucial functions in the role of anti-ageing and disease prevention.

Vegan Sources of Sulfur, Top 10

  1. Garlic.
  2. Onions.
  3. Kale.
  4. Cabbage.
  5. Turnips.
  6. Brussel sprouts.
  7. Soy beans.
  8. Bean sprouts.
  9. Wheat germ.
  10. Dried beans.

Special Considerations

A word on supplementation. Methylsufonylmethane (MSM) is a fantastic source of sulfur. Buy it in crystal form and organic. Keep dry and away from heat.

Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

The Incredible Benefits of Zinc. Call It An Immunity Supercharger

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Zinc, What Are They?

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts. 15 mg/day is the upper limit. This mineral has many benefits. Zinc contributes to maintaining your sense of taste and smell. It’s also important as it promotes timely wound healing. With a varied diet, one can easily obtain enough Zinc. 

The recommended daily amount of Zinc is 8 milligrams (mg) for women and 11 mg for adult men.

Benefits of Zinc, Top 5

  1. Foods rich in Zinc have been associated with alleviating panic attacks. On the other hand, zinc deficiency has been linked to increased number of panic attacks in populations suffering from panic disorder.
  2. Beneficial in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In fact, small clinical trials  have suggested that consumption of foods containing zinc helps people decrease symptoms of OCD.
  3. Zinc works with other vitamins, such as Vitamin C, to help our  skin’s wound healing ability.
  4. Zinc is one of the minerals needed for a strong immune system. Remember all of those zinc lozenges that help fight colds?
  5. Zinc is needed for proper taste and smell function.

Note: Deficiency of this trace mineral has been associated with loss of taste and smell in patients.

Vegan Sources of Zinc, Top 5

  1. Green peas.
  2. Nuts.
  3. Dried beans.
  4. Brewer’s yeast.
  5. Lima beans.
Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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Benefits of Iodine, The Mighty Fat Terminator and Tireless Thyroid Hormones Promotor

Benefits of Iodine, The Mighty Fat Terminator and Tireless Thyroid Hormones Promotor

Benefits of Iodine, The Mighty Fat Terminator and Tireless Thyroid Hormones Promotor

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Iodine, What Are They?

Benefits of Iodine. It is a trace element needed in small amounts. According to the FDA, 150mcg a day is sufficient to maintain good health. But why is it important?

Among many other beneficial properties, Iodine helps our body make thyroid hormones, which in turn regulate our metabolism and many other important functions. Our organism also needs thyroid hormones for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy. 

While Iodine is useful in maintaining a healthy metabolic rate, extra Iodine does not cause our bodies to burn fat.

If you notice that you are not losing weight, even after cutting calories and working out regularly, and worse, have even gained weight, it may be time to get more of the foods listed below into your diet. You may also want to consider having your thyroid hormone levels checked by your doctor.

Benefits of Iodine, Top 4

  1. Crucial for normal growth and development in children.
  2. Iodine can help the metabolism by putting stored fat cells to work! Touted as the skinny mineral because it metabolizes the excess fat we carry around.
  3. Benefits reproduction (not to mention the fetus).
  4. Iodine supports thyroid hormone production which is extremely important for maintaining healthy weight.

Vegan Sources of Iodine, Top 9

  1. Iodized salt.
  2. Seaweed.
  3. Potatoes.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Lima beans.
  6. Soy beans.
  7. Mushrooms.
  8. Asparagus.
  9. Sesame seeds.

Special Considerations

While some Iodine (150 mcg) daily is beneficial, taking too much can  actually be toxic to health. 

Excess Iodine will even suppress thyroid hormone function. See your doctor, get your thyroid hormones checked. 

Keep in mind that consuming very large amounts of raw cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and turnips may hinder the thyroid gland’s ability to use the Iodine from your diet.  

Follow the golden rule of moderation and your metabolism will thank you.

Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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Benefits of Iron – Its Powerful Benefits in The Body. Call it Popeye’s Secret to Strength and Energy

Benefits of Iron – Its Powerful Benefits in The Body. Call it Popeye’s Secret to Strength and Energy

Benefits of Iron – Its Powerful Benefits in The Body. Call it Popeye’s Secret to Strength and Energy

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Iron. What Are They?

Iron is a mineral with multiple benefits. It is the mineral that helps red blood cells carry oxygen in our circulatory system. Such a statement is supported by the findings of Paul Thomas, EdD, RD, a scientific consultant to the National Institutes of Health, who affirms that a paramount feature of Iron is its ability to transport oxygen throughout the body.

What the readers may not know is that Iron is surprisingly the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States. Even more surprising is that almost 10% of women are iron deficient, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

To reiterate, Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs and transports it throughout the body. Hemoglobin represents about two-thirds of the body’s iron. If you don’t have enough iron in your diet, your body can’t make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells. A lack of red blood cells is called iron deficiency anemia. Hence, the need for and importance of assuring adequate Iron intake.

Benefits of Iron, Top 6

  1. Essential for brain/cognitive development in children.
  2. Reduces the risk of perinatal mortality (miscarriages).
  3. Needed to prevent anemia by helping production of hemoglobin, which is carried in the red blood cells that transport oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body.
  4. Helps with body temperature regulation.
  5. Over all energy and focus.
  6. Helps prevent shortness of breath, fatigue, and irregular or fast heart rate.

Vegan Sources of Iron, Top 7

  1. Dark green vegetables.
  2. Prunes, raisins, and dates.
  3. Whole grain enriched breads.
  4. Peas.
  5. Benas.
  6. Millet.
  7. Beets.

Special Considerations

  1. Check with your doctor. Daily requirements vary based on age, gender, pregnancy and lactation, and other medical conditions.
  2. Too much iron can actually cause oxidative damage to cells and tissues.
  3. If your toddler is anemic be sure to check for high lead levels in the blood. 
  4. ALL sources of animal protein: Milk, meat, eggs, chicken, etc. inhibit iron absorption. Knowing this game changing information allows us to choose a vegan life style.
  5. If on supplements, don’t take your iron with black tea, calcium, or coffee as they can compete with Iron absorption.
Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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The Benefits of Calcium, The Absolute Bone and Teeth Strengthener

The Benefits of Calcium, The Absolute Bone and Teeth Strengthener

The Benefits of Calcium, The Powerful Bone and Teeth Strengthener 

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Calcium, What Are They?

The Benefits of Calcium, the wonderful bone and teeth strengthener. For starters, Calcium is a mineral or element which nature is alkaline and is mostly stored in our bones and teeth. Being alkaline means that a lot of it may result in in certain conditions such as the twitching of muscles, muscle cramps, postural dizziness, increased irritability, nausea and vomiting, increased urination, weakness, tingling and numbness in face, legs, and arm, lightheadedness, rapid and shallow respiration, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, and loss of consciousness, to name a few.

Too little of it may result in health problems related to weak bones, children who may not reach their full potential height as adults, low bone mass in adults, which is a risk factor for, most notably in women, osteoporosis.

Many Americans don’t get enough calcium in their diets. For instance, children and adolescents are at risk of lacking adequate Calcium intake, but so are adults age 50 and older.

As noted before, our body needs Calcium to build and maintain strong bones but is also necessary for our heart, our muscles, and our nervous system for them to function properly.

While evidence may not definitive, some studies suggest that Calcium along with Vitamin D may have benefits beyond bone health, perhaps protecting against cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. 

Calcium requirements vary depending on age and gender.

What follows a small list of the innumerable benefits of Calcium in our bodies:

  1. Helps muscle function. Calcium is needed for proper muscle contraction and movement.
  2. Needed for hormone release that allows our bodies to respond to changing external environments.
  3. Important for bone and teeth formation.
  4. Aids nerve signal transmission in our nervous system.
  5. Communication and signaling between cells/tissues in our bodies.
  6. Important for healthy blood clotting.
  7. Helps proper relaxation and constriction of blood vessels.
  8. Calcium is needed for proper enzyme secretion that is in turn used for nervous system signaling.
  9. Decreases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Vegan Sources of Calcium, Top 10

  1. Tofu.
  2. Soy milk.
  3. Almonds.
  4. Coconuts.
  5. Spinach.
  6. Kale.
  7. Broccoli.
  8. Figs.
  9. Beans.
  10. Seaweed.

Special Considerations

Your specific needs for calcium will vary. Here are some of the variables that can change how much calcium you need:

  1. Conditions such as pregnancy or lactation may increase how much calcium is needed.
  2. Need for calcium will change based on age.
  3. People with kidney disease, parathyroid disorders, eating disorders will need different amounts of calcium and should ask their doctor.
  4. People with a history of cancer, chemotherapy treatment and surgery, especially gastric bypass, will need to consult their doctor.
  5. It is very  important to know that cow’s milk does not provide the body with the calcium it needs, and the harm done to animals, the environment and ourselves far outweighs any benefit  we may have from drinking something that was not designed for our bodies.
Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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Benefits of Selenium, The Kickass Super-Hero of Trace Elements!!!!

Benefits of Selenium, The Kickass Super-Hero of Trace Elements!!!!

Benefits of Selenium, The Kickass Super-Hero of Trace Elements!!!!

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Selenium, What Are They?

A trace element needed by the body and available in foods we consume. It is a potent antioxidant especially when combined with Vitamin E. The plus point of Selenium is that it is naturally occurring, meaning that it appears in water and food. This incredible mineral plays a significant role in our metabolism.

Selenium is in the ‘spot light’ because of its antioxidant properties. As a way of illustration, antioxidants protect cells from damage.  

Among healthy populations in this country, Selenium deficiencies are uncommon; but health conditions, such as HIV, Crohn’s disease, and others,  are associated with low Selenium levels. Folks who are fed intravenously are also at risk for low Selenium. Several medical conditions for which Selenium appears to be beneficial range from asthma to arthritis and from dandruff to infertility. However, the results have been inconclusive.
A popular question asked by folks is how much Selenium should someone take? The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Selenium, whether obtained by diet or/and supplementation should not exceed 400mcg/day in adults. Anything above that level will need to be approved by your treatment team.  

Benefits of Selenium, Top 7

  1. Helps protect the body from heavy metals and facilitates their removal from our bodies.
  2. Supports healthy thyroid gland function and thus is linked to a healthy metabolism.
  3. May help in the protection of liver cells (hepatocytes) in people with  alcoholic liver disease.
  4. Some studies, such as The Selenium and  Vitamin E  Cancer Prevention Trial have shown Selenium can decrease the risk of colorectal and prostate cancer. By acting as an anti-oxidant and as an anti-inflammatory agent Selenium can prevent DNA damage or alteration that can lead to cancer.
  5. Selenium may help with our memory and cognition. This is especially true in the very young and elderly.
  6. Several studies have shown that Selenium keeps viruses such as the Coxsackievirus from mutating into more virulent strains and causing cell and tissue damage in our body. This may apply to other viruses like the Influenza and Ebola virus.
  7. Other areas in which Selenium may be promising include: a) enhanced survival ratres in people with AIDS, b) Male infertility, c) Enlarged prostate gland., d) Arthritis, e) Hypertension, and f) Diabetes Mellitus.

Vegan Sources of Selenium, Top 10

  1. Whole grains.
  2. Brazil nuts.
  3. Garlic.
  4. Wheat germ.
  5. Brown rice.
  6. Broccoli.
  7. Parsley.
  8. Rose hips.
  9. Kelp.
  10. Peppermint.

Special Considerations

Of note, some studies suggest that Selenium may actually increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. Please follow the link to an article explaining this further.

If you eat Brazil nuts and consume foods high in Selenium regularly, you may be well advised to avoid additional supplementation. Like always, more is not always better and more than 400 mg/day should not be consumed.

Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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Benefits of Boron, A Mighty Woman’s Best Friend!!

Benefits of Boron, A Mighty Woman’s Best Friend!!

Benefits of Boron, A Mighty Woman’s Best Friend!!

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Boron, What Are They?

Benefits of Boron. It is found in nature and is considered to be a trace element. It is a potent antioxidant, especially when combined with Vitamin E.

Boron can be found easily in the foods we consume and has mighty beneficial effects on such functions as reproduction, development, calcium metabolism, bone formation, brain function, insulin utilization, energy substrate metabolism, immunity, and in the function of steroid hormones (including vitamin D and estrogen).

To reiterate, Boron may help prevent diabetes by contributing to proper insulin production and utilization. Boron has impactful and beneficial effects on easing menopausal symptoms, osteoarthritis pain. Furthermore, studies show a positive correlation with a diet rich in Boron and the prevention of osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis, to name a few.

Benefits of Boron, Top 6

  1. Useful in decreasing painful menstrual periods.
  2. Helps increase levels of alertness and  enhances brain function.
  3. It is required by the body to properly utilize minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
  4. Decreases osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
  5. Some studies have shown a possible correlation with maintaining adequate Boron in the diet and reducing pain caused by arthritis.
  6. It is thought to increase estrogen levels in older women and men. This could be the reason why Boron is linked to increased alertness, better cognition, and better bone health.

Vegan Sources of Boron, Top 7

  1. Apples.
  2. Pears.
  3. Carrots.
  4. Grapes.
  5. Nuts.
  6. Whole grains.
  7. Green leafy vegetables.

Special Considerations

  1. The safe upper limit of Boron is 20mg/day.
  2. If pregnant or breast feeding, this level goes down to 17mg/day.
  3. People with hormone secreting conditions, cancers or tumors should avoid Boron supplementation.
  4. Examples of such conditions  include but are not limited to breast and ovarian cancers, uterine cancers, and fibroids. 
  5. People with kidney disease  should not take Boron supplements. 
  6. Topical Boron in the form of Boric Acid  should be avoided  as a diaper rash remedy and everyone avoid the long-term use of this in treating vaginitis. 
  7. As always, it seems  better to get the Boron you need (3-4 mg/day) from your diet rather than  supplements.
  8. Don’t forget  to consult your doctor before starting Boron supplementation or other Boron based treatments.
Stay informed!! Stay proactive!!  Stay away from food that doesn’t serve your body!!

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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Benefits of Sodium in Our Body. Think of it as Table’s Best Better Half!!

Benefits of Sodium in Our Body. Think of it as Table’s Best Better Half!!

Benefits of Sodium in Our Body. Think of it as Table’s Best Better Half!! 

What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Sodium. Sodium is abundantly present on Mother Earth. Most of us don’t know of Sodium in its pure and very reactive form, but in compounds such as table salt (sodium chloride).

While it has very important functions, Sodium is very often the black sheep of the mineral family due to its association with  the development of high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This condition can lead to an increased risk for stroke, heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and heart failure.

The average healthy adult needs about 2,300 milligrams per day, about 1 tablespoon. We all need Sodium for proper blood pressure regulation. Of note, low Sodium can cause a variety of serious malfunctions in the body. As an electrolyte, Sodium regulates bodily fluids and facilitates the transmission of electrical impulses in the body and, also, is an important regulator of muscle contractions. 

A typical question for those who are interested is how to recognize Sodium deficiency in our body. As established above, intake of Sodium should be about 2,300 milligrams per day and the lack of proper intake may result  in symptoms ranging in quality from irritating to fatal. Sodium in the body is so important that a deficiency of it may impact systems as primordial as the nervous system. Deficiency may result  in diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, weakness, low blood pressure, lethargy, weight loss, confusion, dizziness, and muscular irritability.

Conversely, high Sodium levels can result ihigh blood pressure, swelling of the neuronal tissues, and may even cause cerebral edema. In fact, high levels of this mineral can result in severe illness and even coma if not corrected urgently. 

Benefits of Sodium, Top 5

  1. Sodium works alongside other minerals like potassium and chloride to regulate our fluid balance. Sodium is responsible for normal fluid volume outside or cells and helps our cells function properly.
  2. Sodium is required by our body to maintain normal blood pressure.
  3. Sodium, along with other minerals such as potassium and chloride (known as electrolytes), is crucial for the maintenance of our acid-base balance.
  4. It is used by our body to help conduct nerve signals. Therefore, it is essential for healthy nervous system functioning to take place.
  5. Normal muscle contraction and relaxation are also dependent upon  normal sodium levels in our body.

Vegan Sources of Sodium, Top 9

  1. Table salt.
  2. Breads.
  3. Pasta.
  4. Salty snacks.
  5. Rice.
  6. Swiss chard.
  7. Spinach.
  8. Olives.
  9. Artichoke.

Special Considerations

While Sodium is an important mineral with crucial functions, too much has long been known to be a risk for  developing high blood pressure which can further lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and/or strokes.

Many people with health conditions such as the ones named above, or a history of congestive heart failure or kidney disease will need to check with their doctor because they will likely need to be put on a low sodium diet. A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed foods generally provides high sodium and low potassium. This puts us at a tremendous risk for the illnesses described above. The key switch to a plant-based diet will provide the body with healthy high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium, contributing to  healthy blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease.

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Benefits of Zinc

Benefits of Zinc

A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.

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