Minerals, Magnificent, Powerful, and Necessary In Our Bodies
What Are Their Magnificent Qualities?
Minerals. They are magnificent, powerful, and necessary and very much like their vitamin counterparts, play various important roles in almost every aspect of bodily function, growth and healing. The cool difference is that they can actually be found on the periodic table and they are abundantly found in their simple form on mother Earth. Unlike vitamins, they cannot be broken down by heat.
Minerals can be divided into 2 major categories: a) major and b) trace, and they are needed in various amounts depending on the minerals and a person’s health conditions and stage of life.
According to Juicing for Health, minerals conform approximately 4% of the body mass and are naturally-occurring inorganic substances.
There are approximately 3,800 known minerals, but only 21 are essential to the healthy functioning of the human body. Some minerals such as lead are toxic to humans.
Minerals have vast and varied roles in the body, including healthy growth and development, transportation, regulating heart beat, building strong bones and ensuring the nervous system functions correctly.
In the human body minerals can be either bound to organic molecules or in their inorganic form. They can be either solid such as crystals and are found in our bones and teeth, or in solution such as in ionized or non-ionized form which are found in blood plasma.
Explore some of the indispensable minerals required by our bodies. Browse through our blog’s list to learn about benefits, deficiencies, and natural foods that provide the minerals we need to stay healthy and vibrant.
Continue on to Learn More About Minerals
Benefits of Sulfur – The Powerful and Youth Inducing Anti-Aging Miracle Mineral
Benefits of Sulfur. Ahhh!!… The youth mineral!! This mineral has a hand in many of the body’s biochemical reactions.
Benefits of Zinc
A trace mineral required by the body in small amounts (15 mg). Zinc is also important to help with wound healing, sense of taste, sense of smell.
Benefits of Iodine, The Mighty Fat Terminator and Tireless Thyroid Hormones Promotor
Benefits of Iodine. It is a trace element needed in small amounts. According to the FDA, 150mcg a day is sufficient to maintain good health. But why is it important?
Benefits of Iron – Its Powerful Benefits in The Body. Call it Popeye’s Secret to Strength and Energy
Benefits of Iron, a mineral with multiple benefits. It is the mineral that helps red blood cells carry oxygen in our circulatory system.
The Benefits of Calcium, The Absolute Bone and Teeth Strengthener
The Benefits of Calcium, the wonderful bone and teeth strengthener. For starters, Calcium is a mineral or element which nature is alkaline and is mostly stored in our bones and teeth.
Benefits of Selenium, The Kickass Super-Hero of Trace Elements!!!!
Benefits of Selenium. A trace element needed by the body and available in foods we consume. It is a potent antioxidant, especially when combined with Vitamin E.
Benefits of Boron, A Mighty Woman’s Best Friend!!
Benefits of Boron. It is found in nature. It is a trace element found in foods and in the environment which the body needs in trace amounts and is naturally present in many foods.
Benefits of Sodium in Our Body. Think of it as Table’s Best Better Half!!
Benefits of Sodium are abundantly present on Mother Earth. Most of us don’t know of Sodium in it’s pure and very reactive form but in compounds such as table salt (sodium chloride).
Benefits of Silicon, The Secret Key Element to Gorgeous Hair, Skin, and Nails!!
Benefits of Silicon include a second place in the most abundant element found in nature, oxygen being #1!! It is an element that is present in small traces in the body.