Minerals, Magnificent, Powerful, and Necessary In Our Bodies
What Are Their Magnificent Qualities?
Minerals. They are magnificent, powerful, and necessary and very much like their vitamin counterparts, play various important roles in almost every aspect of bodily function, growth and healing. The cool difference is that they can actually be found on the periodic table and they are abundantly found in their simple form on mother Earth. Unlike vitamins, they cannot be broken down by heat.
Minerals can be divided into 2 major categories: a) major and b) trace, and they are needed in various amounts depending on the minerals and a person’s health conditions and stage of life.
According to Juicing for Health, minerals conform approximately 4% of the body mass and are naturally-occurring inorganic substances.
There are approximately 3,800 known minerals, but only 21 are essential to the healthy functioning of the human body. Some minerals such as lead are toxic to humans.
Minerals have vast and varied roles in the body, including healthy growth and development, transportation, regulating heart beat, building strong bones and ensuring the nervous system functions correctly.
In the human body minerals can be either bound to organic molecules or in their inorganic form. They can be either solid such as crystals and are found in our bones and teeth, or in solution such as in ionized or non-ionized form which are found in blood plasma.
Explore some of the indispensable minerals required by our bodies. Browse through our blog’s list to learn about benefits, deficiencies, and natural foods that provide the minerals we need to stay healthy and vibrant.
Continue on to Learn More About Minerals
Benefits of Manganese, Live Long With Powerful Manganese!!
Benefits of Manganese. It is a trace element needed in minute quantities that has tremendous proven benefits. It’s mainly found in our liver, pancreas, kidney, and bone cells.
Benefits of Copper, The Powerful Conductor of All Things Positive in Your Body!!!
Benefits of Copper arise from its naturally occurring magnificent presence and abundance on Earth. We need Copper for a variety of our body’s metabolic functions.
Benefits of Molybdenum, The Powerful Body’s Turbo Pack!!!
Molybdenum is a marvelous mineral required by the body in very small amounts. It is found stored mostly in our bones and organs, namely the liver and kidneys.
14 Benefits of Magnesium and 16 Vegan Sources of Magnesium. Call it the Powerful Jack of All Trades!!
Benefits of Magnesium. Our body does not have the capability to “manufacture” it but fortunately, it is blissfully abundant in nature and it is easily obtainable through a healthy diet.
Benefits of Phosphorus. Elementally Wonderful for Great Health!!
Benefits of Phosphorus. It is a mineral normally found abundantly in nature and is required by our body to carry out a fantastic array of crucial functions. We obtain the phosphorus we need solely through a healthy diet.
Benefits of Potassium (“K”) – Where The K Stands For “The King of All Electrolytes!!!”
Benefits of Potassium. On the surface, Potassium seems like just another mineral found abundantly on our planet which must be consumed by us. Our bodies lack the capacity to manufacture it. Potassium is in fact a major intracellular element, referred to as a cation, because it carries a positive charge.
Benefits of Chromium – An Unbelievable and Marvelous Fat-Be-Gone Slimming Machine
Chromium is a trace mineral, which means that it cannot be broken down by heat and is needed by the body in small doses (120MCG). Chromium is used to combat chromium deficiency but it is also used to fight diabetes, high cholesterol, hormonal disorders, and many other conditions.
Benefits of Chloride – A Magnificent Mineral Which Also Happens to Be a PH Superhero
Benefits of Chloride. We should know that it is an inorganic major mineral known as an anion. It is found in our body’s extracellular fluid where blood and plasma are found.