The Vitamin Channel

Skin, Wonderful and Youthful 

A to Z Tip Top Secrets

Skin, Wonderful and Youthful. We all know that flawless skin is better than any expensive foundation or powder we can ever buy.

The trick to achieving the ultimate beauty goal is consistency, discipline, and time,  but it only works if you work on your skin care.

Many who do put the effort in enjoy the rewards. For the rest of us mere mortals who don’t always manage to spend 30 minutes, two times a day in front of the bathroom mirror, there are hacks and secrets we can take advantage of to get the look!

Below are short and sweet good-for-you tips.

Take advantage of all or some of the tips and let us know if you have any other ones to add.

A is for Avocados. A beloved Instagram worthy favorite, avocados work their magic on our skin in multiple ways. First, avocados contain beneficial fatty acids that allow maximum moisturization of the skin. Used in the diet and topically applied to the skin, it boosts skin’s ability to maintain a youthful appearance.

Avocados contain high levels of vitamin A, which aside from protecting vision and immunity, also aids skin’s cell repair process.

Avocados are also known to be rich in Vitamin E which help reduce cellular inflammation and help lessen the look of fine wrinkles.

B is for Berries. The vitamin C contained in berries help target skin damage and aid in wound repair. Vitamin C is also essential for boosting skin’s collagen structure and function.

It is a well-known fact that berries also fight tissue inflammation which leads to premature aging.

Berries are also high in other antioxidants that fight free radicals.

The high content of compounds known as polyphenols are tremendously beneficial for maintaining healthy skin tone and structure.

C is for Coconut oil. This is an excellent moisturizer for our skin and thereby helps delay the wrinkling of skin. It can also decrease the look of crepey skin. Coconuts have naturally occurring anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral effects which are great for skin.

Pro-tip: use coconut oil as an eye makeup remover.

D is for Diet. You are what you eat. If you eat  dead  animal carcass, drink sugary drinks, skimp on fiber and nutrient rich organic fruits and veggies, the result will show up on your skin, and not in a good way!

Eat clean, eat vegan and look and feel great! Yes, it’s that simple!!

E is for Exfoliation. Whether manual or chemical, exfoliation becomes more necessary as we age. Done correctly, exfoliation serves to cleanse the skin of excess oils and dirt and removes dead skin that can make skin look ashen and dull.

Exfoliation, however, won’t minimize pores. Also, if exfoliation is performed too often and too harshly, the protective layer of skin may become stripped and cause irritation and redness, a look no one is going for.

Worse still, is that over exfoliation can make thin aging skin look worse. Remember, you can’t exfoliate yourself younger.

Less is more when using this beauty tip.

F is for Flax meal. Injested  regularly, the lignans, which are like the female hormone estrogen, serve to preserve bouncy healthy skin. In addition, flax meal contains essential fatty acids that are excellent for skin’s appearance.

G is for Green Tea. Green tea is beneficial topically and used in the diet.

ECGC, a compound contained in green tea, protects skin from UV rays, thus fighting formation of wrinkles. Cachectins in tea are a great antioxidant and fight inflammation and acne. The tannins in tea can serve as a skin toner, reducing excess sebum in the T-zone area of the face.

H is for Hesperidin. According to several research papers from the early 2000s, this compound that is naturally occurring in plants, acts as a flavonoid. Flavonoids are known effective antioxidants.

This antioxidant helps protect against cell damage that leads to aging.

Hesperidin has been shown to help boost capillary circulation and even boost capillary integrity, reducing the chance they will burst and cause unsightly discoloration of the skin.

I is for Intense Pulsed Light (“IPL”). This modality of skin rejuvenation makes use of high-intensity pulsed light to erase the signs of sun damage and discoloration. It also helps brown spots, acne spots, acne scars, and the appearance of burst capillaries, common as we age.

It will require about 6-8 treatments to be completely effective. Many med spas offer this worthwhile treatment.

J is for Jogging. Jogging and other forms of aerobic exercise are crucial for good health and anti-aging in general.

Jogging boosts microcirculation to your skin, helps rid skin of toxins.

This activity reduces stress which has shown to speed up the aging process.

Jogging also increases oxygen delivery to tissues and cells resulting in healthier, brighter looking skin.

K is for Kale. The superhero’s superhero. Kale is a heavy weight among so called superfoods.

1 cup has only 10 calories! This makes kale an easy and obvious choice that almost anyone can incorporate into their diet.

Kale helps skin in several ways: Eaten regularly, kale can help the appearance of dark undereye circles thanks to its Vitamin K content.

It can also support the collagen matrix of the skin due to its high content of vitamin C. In general, kale can help prevent cell damage because it contains lutein, a potent antioxidant. The Vitamins A&C contained in the vegetable have an anti-inflammatory effect, also helping fight premature aging.

L is for Lemons. We all know that lemons are a great source of Vitamin C and this in turn helps protect the collagen in skin. Collagen is responsible for that youthful look we all strive for.

However, there are more beauty benefits that are not as obvious. Consuming lemon water every morning has been reported to have a helpful role in the proper function of the lymphatic system.

A robust lymphatic system translates into a less puffy and bloated looking face.

Who needs contouring when you can beat the facial bloat naturally?

M is for Malva Sylvestris Extract. A naturally occurring compound harvested from the Blue Mallow flower. It is incorporated into many cosmeceutical grade beauty products and helps improve skin tone and acts to protect skin from oxidative damage. All in all, a great natural addition to consider, if you want to have even toned skin.

N is for Niacinamide. This is a compound that is derived from Vitamin B.

Niacinamide can be found in many skin care products on the market.

The best way to use it is in a serum formulation. Emulsions and creams are another way to get this compound on your skin. When used consistently, it can help skin’s appearance by reducing discoloration and is powerful anti-acne treatment.

O is for Olive Oil. Hands down, one of the best oils to consume and apply topically to achieve great skin.

Olive oil is an excellent long-lasting skin moisturizer. It is gentle enough to be used as an eye makeup remover and is full of skin friendly Vitamin E.

Studies show it can benefit skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis.

P is for Papaya. When topically applied the enzyme in papaya referred to as papain can act as a gentle exfoliator, ridding skin of its dead cells and revealing a more even skin tone. Papaya is great for skin because its Vitamins C and A help fight skin damage caused by sun and free radicals. It is high in Folic acid that has shown to improve healthy cell growth and help skin stay soft and supple.

Q is for Co-Q10. In combination with Vitamin C, can boost skin’s elasticity leading to bouncy, firm skin. It is excellent for the cardiovascular system and microcirculation which “feeds” the skin.

Co Q10 is also a potent antioxidant and will help with both fine lines and wrinkles. Applied topically, it plays a role in protecting the skin against aging UV radiation. For a list of foods containing Co-Q10, refer to the Co-Q10 blog post!

R is for Retinol. This derivative of Vitamin A is a darling of the skin care industry. Retinol is a game changer due to its ability to treat acne and acne scarring. It is great for hyperpigmentation, improves skin texture, and tone. This beauty must- have can be obtained over the counter and by a prescription.

S is for Sweet Potato. This is truly an amazing beauty booster. First, the Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes helps fight inflammation and protects against free radicals that damage skin cells.

Second, the Vitamin C will help with collagen formation and wound healing. Third, Vitamin B6 and B5 help the overall look of the skin. Fourth, Manganese ensures proline , (an amino acid that benefits collagen formation) work properly and form needed collagen.

T is for Tomato. The Lycopene in tomatoes protects skin against UVA sun rays, Lycopene also fights aging free radicals. As if that weren’t enough, tomatoes are also rich in Vitamin A, important for skin regeneration and cell growth. The Vitamin C in tomatoes helps with skin cell healing and improves skin tone.  This beautiful multitasking veggie is full of water which serves to hydrate our body and in turn, our skin. Amazing what a salad can do for our looks!!

U is for UV Ray Protection. There are two categories of UV rays: UVA which causes skin aging because it damages cell DNA.

UVA destroy collagen leading to the dreaded sagging skin.

UVB, causes skin to burn and increases skin cancer risk.

The third type of is UVC, which are too short in length to affect skin.

Sun damage from UV rays is responsible for the majority of skin’s aging. It’s important to choose your sunscreen carefully. Here are a few pointers:  Choose a waterproof, broad spectrum formula, with an SPF of 50 or higher, which filters out 98% of the UV rays.

V is for Aloe Vera. Your go – to plant if you want to recover from minor sun burns. It’s very moisturizing and hydrating. It is well tolerated by almost everyone.

It’s very skin soothing for those who have acne and redness caused by their acne. In addition, aloe vera can gently remove the surface dead skin cells, resulting in brighter looking skin. With all these beneficial qualities, no wonder it is found in many skin care products.

W is for Water. Water hydrates, plumps, and flushes out toxins, that can make your skin look dull and puffy. Water may even help those under eye circles. This is a simple skin care tip. So, drink up beautiful.

X is for Xanthophyll. In Greek, Xanthos means yellow and Phyllos means leaf. Xanthophylls are a type of carotenoid, In turn, Carotenoids are broadly grouped and separated into Xanthophyls and carotenoids.  Pardon me for geeking out, but this stuff is so cool!! I digress:

All of this to say, these antioxidants make all the difference between skin that stays young and ages gracefully and premature aging of the skin.

We’ve all seen different women of the same age with both types of skin and wondered what the difference was.

Well, here’s your answer. A Xanthophyll, called lutein, contained in vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, kale, and celery functions as a potent skin saving antioxidant  and helps keep skin hydrated and looking its best. The biochemical breakdown of xanthophylls is beyond the scope of this post.

It’s enough to say, it’s important to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables if you’re going for glowing skin.

Y is for Yoga. Have you ever seen a person that practices yoga with dull skin? Neither have I. Here’s why: Yoga improves blood flow which gives skin a healthy rosy glow. More importantly, yoga reduces stress and balances stress hormones such as cortisol, which age the body. Under chronic stress, circulation is shunted away from skin and to the heart and lungs, leaving skin looking dull and sallow.Skin also tends to become more flaccid sooner and cannot recover as quickly from minor cuts and scrapes.

Yoga is great for relieving the tension in the facial muscles and makes us  look more attractive and less wrinkled. So, get out that yoga matt and get your lotus pose on!!

Z is for Sleep or ZZZZ. No list would be complete without a reminder to get enough sleep. How are those expensive night creams going to work if you don’t get any shuteye?

Sleep resets everything and refreshes your system in general.

It is the time your body and skin can rejuvenate and recover from the day.

There are certain foods that help you get to sleep. These foods contain the right nutrients that encourage good quality sleep. For more on this, check out the vitamin and mineral blog posts.

Pro-tip: keep your sleep space cool and dark and avoid taking sleeping pills such as benzodiazepines which, if taken chronically can adversely affect frontal lobe functions in the brain.

Remember, beauty is only skin deep.

If you make people feel bad, it won’t matter how pretty you look.

Kindness is one of the most beautifying actions, so be kind to those adorable and innocent children and ANIMALS!

Beauty and youth are borrowed and fade with time, pass the torch to the younger generation, and you will remain beautiful and elegant.

Lastly, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Don’t spend your energy and time trying to impress people you don’t even know!!



In order to  treat burns properly, one must know just how “skin deep”  burns can be.

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