Benefits of Biotin (B7), a Vitamin Known For Its Wonderful Properties.

It is the Secret to Long Silky Hair

 What is it – Benefits – Sources

Benefits of Biotin (B7), What Are They

Biotin (B7) is a vitamin known for its wonderful properties, it is a water-soluble vitamin known for its benefits in the growth of silky and healthy hair. It is considered to be the “energy vitamin” because Biotin can convert the food we eat into energy to power our daily activities.

As noted above, our body needs this vitamin to convert certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role in the health of hair, skin, and, yes, nails. However rare, a deficiency of Biotin in our body may result in the loss of hair, an unpalatable result. In most cases, however, the Biotin we get from a good balanced diet is enough to prevent deficiency and carry essential cellular functions. Still, many people see beneficial results by increasing their Biotin intake.

In men, the benefits of Biotin may help prevent hair loss given that Biotin plays a major role in hair growth by virtue of its role in keratin synthesis. Keratin is the primary protein that makes up the hair structure and contributes to the formation of a strong and healthy hair shaft.

Top 7 Benefits of Biotin (B7)

  1. Important in the maintenance of strong healthy hair and prevention of hair loss.
  2. Promotes healthy nerve function in our bodies. Vitamin B7 is an essential component of a healthy nervous system.
  3. Aids in healthy bone marrow production and function, reducing the risk of anemia.
  4. Aids in the release of energy in our bodies. It is also needed for energy production.
  5. Very important for the prevention of depression and insomnia.
  6. Essential for maintenance of healthy skin.
  7. Helps in blood sugar balance, preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Top 3 Vegan Sources of Biotin (B7)

  1.  Brewer’s yeast.
  2. Beans such as soy beans.
  3. Whole grains.

Continue on to our posts  below and learn about all the vitamins you’ll need to stay healthy and fabulous!!



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