Painful migraine headaches are among the most misdiagnosed type of headaches. Doctors either under diagnose, misdiagnose, or blame all headache symptoms on migraines. This is why it is important for me to tell a little about this condition and how vitamins and minerals can help.

Love is in the Hair
Love is in the Hair
Love is in the hair and we all know it, right? For many years know, since the discovery of coquetry, hair has always been a source of self-expression and pride. Keeping up with it, maintaining it, and liking it can be a frustrating feat to defeat.
When asked about his mistakes, Jim Morrison said, “Some of the worst mistakes in my life were haircuts.”
Clearly, our hair is more than just a simple cover for our scalp. It can give clues about our health, our daily habits, the subculture we’re a part of, and even, dare I say, our standing in society. Most likely, our hair can have a tremendous effect on our self-esteem and even our mood. Do you remember the last time you suffered a bad “hair-day” or were overdue for your color touchup? For me, it was frustrating to say the least.
It’s a well-known fact that both men and women always need hair tips and, also, spend a considerable amount of time, money, and energy to make the most of what God has given them. What if, without spending any more time, money, or energy you could have considerably stronger, shinier, more lustrous hair?
As it turns out, you can!! The answer is so simple it may surprise you. Simply stated, Super-foods for hair.
In this article, we’ll give you a game changing list of foods that can be easily incorporated into any diet. Ready?
Super-Foods For Hair, the Best List Ever
- Almonds and Almond milk. Unless you are prone to almond allergies, you should consider this a staple in place of cow’s milk. At only 30 calories per cup, almond milk will nourish your hair with the correct fats and Vitamin E. In addition, almonds provide a clean source of protein, 6 Grams/25 almonds and also help prevent premature graying; this thanks to almonds’ high Copper content. To add, Vitamins E, B1, and B6 contained in almonds help hair look lustrous and shiny.
- Avocados. Monounsaturated fats combined with beta-sitosterol encourage healthy hair. Keep in mind that the pulp of this fruit can be applied directly to achieve softer and frizz free hair and consider that the Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) in avocados also fortify skin and scalp, which in turn encourage healthy hair.
- Next on our list is bananas, but why? Because bananas have Potassium and other key minerals that make them great for your overall health. Read our article on Potassium at This yellow and delicious fruit made it onto this list due to their silica content. Whether eaten or applied to hair, bananas will help reduce breaking and dryness and result in glossier hair.
- Cucumbers. Due to its high-water content and the silica it contains, cucumber can help the hair shaft, reducing splitting and breakage with the added plus that they can help hair appear shinier.
- Pumpkins. These beauties are not just for carving during Halloween. I recommend this vegetable in its fresh state, whenever possible. Not only do pumpkin have almost all the hair benefiting vitamins and minerals, but they are also a surprisingly excellent source of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 which are known to help hair and skin.
- Green leafy vegetables. Queen of the superfoods! No one can go wrong incorporating green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens, kelp, and broccoli. Here’s why: Vitamins A and C promote general health which shows in how lustrous hair appears. Biotin (B7), Riboflavin (B2), and pantothenic acid (B5) promote hair growth within the confines of the individual hair growth cycle. Lastly, the Copper contained in these vegetables help avoid premature gray hair. Hail to the queen!
- Nuts. While all nuts contribute to benefit the health of our skin and scalp, a few, such as brazil nuts and walnuts are especially good. Include them in your diet in order to prevent frizzy dry hair. If consumed regularly, this clean vegan source of protein and essential fatty acids will make a difference in how hair feels and looks. Moreover, vitamins such as Biotin and Riboflavin help in preventing hair loss and dry hair. The Zinc present in nuts work together with Biotin to prevent hair loss and dry hair. Brazil nuts in particular are valuable because they support healthy thyroid function which is essential for hair growth and prevention of hair loss.
- Lentils. The amount of protein in Iron, Zinc, Biotin (B7), and Folic Acid (B9) in lentils have a wonderful effect on hair. The aforementioned micronutrients help healthy red blood cell function, which is responsible for the healthy circulation needed to carry oxygen to the scalp. If we become deficient or anemic, we are placed at greater risk of hair loss and slowed ability to grow our hair. So, eat your lentils.
- Flax and Hemp seeds. If your goal is shiny strong strands, then hemp hearts and Flax seeds are very helpful. Hemp hearts feed hair follicles and skin thanks to their omega 3, 6, and 9 content. Hemp hearts are a spectacular source of good clean protein; 9.6 grams/3 tablespoons. If consumed regularly, the result is a boost to your hair’s growth. Flax seed meal is what I recommend because the body can digest and absorb the nutrients better. Like hemp, flax seed meal is high in essential fatty acids and protein; 3 grams/2 tablespoons. Among other nutrients, these are also a good source of B vitamins needed for our general health and energy, which always reflects in our hair.
- Sweet potatoes. We’ve saved the sweet one for last! This sweet veggie is truly a super food! It’s a rich source of Vitamin A and not only is specifically rich in beta-carotene but is also rich in Vitamins E and B. It’s mineral contents, such as Zinc and Copper, help prevent dryness and promote healthy hair and skin. Sweet potatoes also contain essential fatty acids that are vital for healthy hair. In general, this vegetable contains a rich variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that are excellent for health which reflects on your hair.
Although hair growth and texture are largely dependent on our genetic and health history, we can still turn to these super foods to give our lovely locks a boost or that Je ne sais quoi look. Explore these foods and you might just find a new favorite staple while reaping incredible rewards.
The idea is to avoid being hair obsessed and concentrate on your looks from the inside out. How you look will be a reflection of your efforts.
Bon Appetit and Beautiful, Healthy, and Lucious Hair.
Continue on to our posts below and learn about all the vitamins you’ll need to stay healthy and fabulous!!
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